Harbouring a famous history, the Pennsylvania New York happens to be placed in one of the most enviable locations in the world – New York City. Regarded as a property that offers adequate and basic accommodation, the Hotel Pennsylvania provides over a thousand rooms to visitors and tourists alike. While many travellers make not be able to reach a consensus as to the quality and luxury of this property, they would all be in agreement when it comes to the location of this historic hotel. Being located in the humdrum of New York City is attraction enough for this hotel to be visited on a yearly basis.
Most of the charm of this ecstatic city has been rubbed off on the property itself. It has been visited by many a celebrity such as Charlie Chaplin and Glen Miller. As history would have it, Glen Miller and the Glen Miller Orchestra played and entertained many crowd at the hotel’s cafe in 1940. Even it has been said that William Faulkner, the Nobel Prize winner for Literature stayed in this monumental hotel to write one of his many critically acclaimed novels. Despite the recent controversies surrounding this property, one must admit that it is a celebrity in its own right.
The monumental and attractive Pennsylvania Hotel New York, as mentioned earlier is placed in a city that is so famous; it is said in the same breath as Paris and Milan. So it comes as no surprise that the hotel per se would be the benefactor of such fame and culture. Besides being in close proximity to various attractions that are culturally significant, the property is also close by to many places that historically and globally important. The United Nations is near to the hotel as is the Madison Square Garden. Broadway with its glitz and glamour is also an attraction that is worthy of an enthusiastic visit.
Located near the Penn Station, this budget friendly hotel is also near to the Jacob Javits Convention Centre which has been has been posthumously named after the New York Senator Jacob K. Javits. Besides being home to many of these nationally and globally significant spots, many tourists will be ecstatic to go shopping in the myriad of shops and boutiques that dot the area surrounding the hotel. The world famous store, Macy’s is also is the vicinity of the property. Well known throughout the world, it is one of those places that need to be visited especially when it comes to the pure art of shopping.
It could then be said that the Hotel Pennsylvania New York does offer the best when it comes to its location. After all, tourists would not want to spend the entire day holed up in the hotel when there is so much to see and do out there in the city. Offering a true blend of artistic fun and historical frolic, New York City is a place that offers the best in every sense of the word. This is a good enough reason per se to stay in this property. Travellers are assured of adequate and basic accommodation which would mean a comfortable stay.
The famed short story writer, Thomas Wolfe once stated, once you arrive in New York, you inexplicably become part of it, within a matter of a mere five minutes. All in all, this hotel offers the best facility of them all, which is New York City. To most people it would be home away from home, after all this is one location that could be regarded as a “melting pot” of ethnicities, cultures and history.